What is a symptom of the Preumonic Plague?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Symptoms of the Black Death.

There are many symptoms of the Black Death.  People had horrible headaches,were very week and were terribly tired.  Some people got so week that they staggered when they walked.  When the victims first got the Black Death their arm pits swelled up to the size of hen eggs.  Their arm pits also got a blackish blue color when they swelled up.  A day or two into the Black Death the victims got so week they couldn't walk or stand up or sit.  So during the Black Death you could see half the people laying in the middle of the road.  The vicim died from the Black Death about two or three days after they got it.  You could always tell the victim was about to die because their mouth gaped open and their skin blackened from internal bleeding.

1 comment:

  1. wow i didnt know that the black death was so excrustating...!!!u coo
